About Us

BESTSIMPEL at a glance

hello, welcome to bestsimpel.BESTSIMPEL itself is inspired by two words, namely best in English which means the best among the best, and SIMPEL which in Indonesian means conciseness, and not complicated. Bestsimpel is a website that I built to share information about the health of children and mothers. I am aware that there are many websites that are more capable and perhaps more famous, but it started from the experience of my wife who was pregnant and raising our child alone and only relying on my self-taught experience. share some things that I think are also very useful for other people, of course in a simple way. Many young mothers, from different backgrounds and are pressured by myths or information which sometimes actually makes them tired, that's why bestsimpel will convey useful information but with simple understanding and of course simple.

Hopefully bestsimple can be an inspiration and encouragement for the mental and psychological well-being of mothers and prospective mothers who are in a phase that really needs support from everyone.

We are very open to constructive criticism and suggestions, we hope that with this input, BestSimple can continue to provide information that is certainly informative and easy to understand. you can contact us here bestsimpel contact.


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